Ro Noonan

Ro Noonan — 'Load-Bearing' Sculpture, 2024


One of three works by Ro Noonan in the Fables & Folklore exhibition. Freestanding pillar-like sculpture and two textured surface paintings all varying in size. 

All three individual but sharing a vague resemblance and whispering a conversation you can’t quite make out yet.  Built on foundations of opposites, adding and taking away are both equally important in their construction. Lean in slowly and begin to uncover familiar features buried in layers – double take the tiles from your childhood bathroom, or the likeness of a friend you can’t see anymore.   The work embodies an in-between-ness and a; ‘where do I know you from’-ness - And with time spent; discoveries accumulate and whispers become clearer.

Ro Noonan is a Melbourne based artist that works between sculpture and painting. He has an innate preoccupation with materials, in particular the excess and the bi-products of construction: cut offs, supports and general debris. The selection process is an everyday experience, drawing attention to the details in textures, scuffs and general wear and tear. In bringing together these rejected elements, Noonan tests their ability to co-exist.  The works are gradual in production, built slowly with a process that ricochets between struggle, failure and intimacy.

Fables & Folklore  

November 14, 2024 - January 25, 2025

Curated by Simone Haag

Craft is thrilled to invite internationally renowned Australian decorator Simone Haag as the guest curator of Craft’s final main gallery exhibition of 2024. Making her curatorial debut, Haag presents a group exhibition featuring works by more than 30 Australian artists.

Read more here:


Material: concrete, plaster, timber, clay, putty, found rocks and debris, tile, copper, apoxie sculpt, acrylic and hard wax oil

Dimensions: 60 x 20 x 20cm


Please note when purchasing, exhibition works are to be collected when exhibition closes.

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